Tracking assets is an important concern of every company, regardless of size. Fixed assets are defined as any ‘permanent’ object that a business uses internally including but not limited to computers, tools, software, or office equipment. While employees may use a specific tool or tools, the asset ultimately belongs to the company and must be returned. And therefore without an accurate method of keeping track of these assets it would be very easy for a company to lose control of them.
The Fixed Asset Management covers Asset Classification, user defined depreciation methods and rates definition, Asset Procurement/Disposal/Depreciation calculations, Asset location and custodian details, put to use date, AMC with services details and fixed asset registers.Our Fixed Asset Management Module enables you to deal with these issues in a simple manner.

Fixed Asset Management Module stores the following information:
- Fixed Assets Group details
- Fixed Assets Item details
- Asset Owner details
- Custodian
- Purchase Requisition
- Purchase Order details
- Fixed Asset GRN details
- Transfer of Materials
- Depreciation details
- Fixed Asset disposal / Retirement form
Reports Generated:
- Fixed Assets Group details
- Fixed Assets Item History details